Monday, April 15, 2013

Blog Assignment #3

Paragraph from my memo: "Students and staff members of LaGuardia Community College have to “dance” with vehicles each time they want to cross the street. They are put into danger all the time. We know that we are close by the Queensboro Bridge which is the reason of the heavy traffic coming out of Manhattan, but there are solutions which can make LaGuardia safer and more pleasant place to learn. We’ve managed to allocate $100,000 to improve safety around school campus and we found a couple of solutions to get rid of the danger around the school. Those can be applied separately although, we encourage applying all of them since we are talking about safety of young people and that all of the solutions should fit into our budget."

This is a paragraph chosen from my memo assignment that i have done for technical writing class. If you happened not to notice what the scenario is, i wrote about safety on LaGuardia campus, mainly about the traffic problems and danger that we face everyday when going from class to class. I have picked this topic because out of the three scenarios we had to choose from this one was an actual problem and it is important that we do as much as we can to fix it since it is about everyone's safety and as we all know the recent accident took a high school student's life.
To solve the traffic problem i've suggested to use pedestrian islands. During the conversation about this problem we had in class nobody came up with this idea. I think it is a great method of getting rid of that problem because it is cheap, quick to be put in place, and probably the most effective out of all my solutions i've written about in my memo. That was the first thing that popped into my head. There was nothing else that would inspire me to come up with that solution.
The writing process was pretty simple, i have organized my information into sections, (introduction, explanation of the problem, solution #1, solution #2, solution#3, conclusion). Review process was only about rereading the entire memo and search for grammar errors etc.